Sometimes your best ideas come from unexpected places. I feel like I start almost every blog post like this. I guess I am a quite spontaneous thinker.
I was scrolling through (shoutout to all my Amazon Prime homies) and I came across this beautiful sequined, flapper costume/party dress and I INSTANTLY FEEL IN LOVE.
It’s not your typical fashion editorial styling but it just spoke to me. My mind created this vision of a carefree girl confidently strolling through downtown. I saw sparkles, smiles, and liberation. I had this ONE image in mind: she was spinning and her fringe dress was framed perfectly...I just had to capture it (and I did). I’m so thankful to be able to bring this vision to life with the ever so talented @jakiramou. And I’m even more thankful in her trust in me and my crazy idea.
I don't know how I came across this clothing piece, but I believe it was fate telling me to turn this costumer into the magazine I did...we got into VOUGE ITALIA DARLINGGGGG!!!
Sometimes you just have to take an idea and run with it. And those ideas can bread some high-quality sh*t.
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